The arrival and sale of new slaves in the Portuguese colonial city of Pernambuco. In the sugar growing region of northeastern Brazil, harsh plantation slavery produced high mortality rates among laborers and required that newly enslaved Africans be imported on a regular basis.
"Brazilian Slaves." World History: The Modern Era, ABC-CLIO, 2018, Accessed 12 Oct. 2018.
Illustration from the early 19th century depicting a Brazilian sugar mill. The labor-intensive cultivation of sugar for export fueled the import of African slaves to Brazil, beginning in the mid-16th century.
"Brazilian Sugar Mill." World History: The Modern Era, ABC-CLIO, 2018, Accessed 12 Oct. 2018.
Brazilians tend to be warm, fun loving, and free spirited. They also have a reputation for being outgoing and enjoying the company of others. At the same time, they are generally hard working. Brazilians are known to be proud of their country's natural resources and diverse culture. Most people of mixed ancestry identify with and value all parts of their heritage. One point of pride is the "Brazilian way"—their ability to find creative ways around seemingly insurmountable problems. Brazilians often are opinionated and will argue for their convictions with vigor. Though Brazilians were once hopeful about their country's future, growing economic problems, revelations about wide-scale corruption, high taxes, growing poverty, and insufficient access to quality education and healthcare systems have left many with a pessimistic attitude toward their country and government.
Social status commonly is measured by one's power to acquire possessions. People tend to view time more as a sequence of events than as a matter of hours and minutes. Therefore, people in most regions (except São Paulo) appear to have an extremely casual attitude about time. Brazilians in the north and northeast regions and small inland towns are traditionally more conservative. Folklore is stronger in these areas; traditional religious and military celebrations are also more common.
"Brazil: General Attitudes." CultureGrams Online Edition, ProQuest, 2018, Accessed 12 October 2018.
"Brazil." World History: The Modern Era, ABC-CLIO, 2018, Accessed 12 Oct. 2018.
"Infographic of Brazil." CultureGrams Online Edition, ProQuest, 2018, Accessed 12 October 2018.